Thursday, November 5, 2015

Unit Summary 3

Materials are probably the biggest influence in design. The materials place limits on what can be achieved and the impact the building will have. The buildings that we looked at in this unit were made of a variety of materials from wood, to concrete, to glass, to plastic, the buildings were all very unique and were made this way because of the materials that were used in their construction. 
The materials help us to understand a building because it is how we conceptualize its construction. We know what the materials are so we can better understand the space. Materials can have a huge influence on the scale of a building, take the coliseum for example, because of concrete it was able to be as massive as it is. 
Material is very important to the principles and elements, it influences the lines, color, texture, sometimes even the light and harmony is influenced by the materials used in its construction. A building can be analyzed and described using material but it has be accompanied by the principles and elements as they link the materials used to the design.

The first image is the Long Leeds House which is constructed with brick, but the important material in the building is the glass. The large number of glass windows is what makes this building stand out and seem impressive. The second building the Parthenon, it is constructed of concrete by using this material the building was able to have a large dome with an oculus. The last sketch is the Colosseum which was also made of concrete, the arches allowed for it to be built taller and wider so that more people could use the space.

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