Monday, December 14, 2015

Unit Summary 5

Technology is everywhere, in the age of the smart phone we don't think of things like candles as technology but at one point in time they were new technology. With interior design we have to consider that technology can be features within a space as well what was used to construct the space. In this unit we talked about interior features, environmental systems as well as design technology.
Technology gives us the ability to understand design on a different level as it gives us a look at how it was constructed and why certain features are included. The use of technology in design gives us so many more options, we are able to conceptualize designs that before could not be conveyed through drawing and we can predict how materials will behave in using the new technology. Sale is also influenced by the new technology as we can push limits and have perfect the science behind it. The Roman arches were new technology that let them build bigger and higher. Technology influences the colors that can be used in a space, the lighting fixtures, the size of certain elements, the materials used, every element of design is influenced by technology.
A space can be described and defined by technology, however it rarely is unless it is considered a "Smart Space". Technology is very influential in spaces but most go unnoticed unless the technology is the main focus.  The environmental systems in a space can contribute the principals and elements as well as light and color of spaces. Technology is something that goes unnoticed until it is absent.

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