Monday, December 14, 2015

Unit Summary 5

Technology is everywhere, in the age of the smart phone we don't think of things like candles as technology but at one point in time they were new technology. With interior design we have to consider that technology can be features within a space as well what was used to construct the space. In this unit we talked about interior features, environmental systems as well as design technology.
Technology gives us the ability to understand design on a different level as it gives us a look at how it was constructed and why certain features are included. The use of technology in design gives us so many more options, we are able to conceptualize designs that before could not be conveyed through drawing and we can predict how materials will behave in using the new technology. Sale is also influenced by the new technology as we can push limits and have perfect the science behind it. The Roman arches were new technology that let them build bigger and higher. Technology influences the colors that can be used in a space, the lighting fixtures, the size of certain elements, the materials used, every element of design is influenced by technology.
A space can be described and defined by technology, however it rarely is unless it is considered a "Smart Space". Technology is very influential in spaces but most go unnoticed unless the technology is the main focus.  The environmental systems in a space can contribute the principals and elements as well as light and color of spaces. Technology is something that goes unnoticed until it is absent.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Unit Summary 4

Light and color are often very noticeable in a space. They can be used to make a space seem larger or smaller, warmer or cooler, light or heavy. The absence of color can make a room feel cold and eerie, an abundance of color or lighting can make a space confusing and uncomfortable. Light and color need to be balanced in order to make a space more enjoyable or evoke the correct response.

In this unit we looked at a few art galleries, these spaces had an absence of color on the walls so that guest could focus on the art that was being displayed. The rooms that had art on display also had lighting that was meant to direct attention to the art. The lights were mounted so that it was at the best angle to highlight the art.

Light can really manipulate a space, it sets the mood of the space and works alongside the other elements. Color contributes the tone of a space and also works along with the principles and elements. They also work in conjunction with scale as they can manipulate the perceived size of space.Space can be analyzed and described using light and color.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Case Study 4

The Al-Rifa'i Mosque in Cairo Egypt is made of sandstone and is situated in an area that is surrounded by other sandstone buildings and desert. I constructed my model from cardboard to simulate the qualities of sandstone. For the light test I places the model on several different color papers to see how the building would react to the color. The model really didn't do much when interacting with color, it didn't reflect the color or absorb it in any way. When i put in on my carpet which is a lighter brown and my wall which is beige the model acted just how the building does with its surrounding buildings.
For the light study I took a cell phone light that has a blue tint and mimicked the path of the sun. The Mosque is a solid structure and so I made the model very solid as well. Because of this the model cast a shadow that rotated with the light. I also tried a slightly removed artificial light, the model wasn't reflective or anything so it really just absorbed the light. I also sat the model out in semi-direct natural light and it behaved the same. The Al-Rifa'i Mosque cast a very solid shadow and absorbs the light that directly hits it.        
       Sunlight travels over 
Color becomes a camouflage 
Sturdy shadows are cast

Sunday, November 15, 2015

UK Art Museum Visual Essay

This painting uses color in an interesting way. Unfortunately it was the only item I got to photograph before my phone dyed.
The UK art museum is really a beautiful building, It blends well with the rest of campus and the auditorium inside is breathtaking when lit. The art museum portion is also beautiful the lighting is soft and gives a warm feel to the rooms. The lights hit the art works just enough so that the artwork really sticks out. The room is pretty barren of color so that the artwork is able to stand out.

This is a sketch of one of the larger display walls that are used to showcase the artwork. It is barren of color so that you can focus on the artwork. The other is a sketch of the exterior of the Singletary center.
The sketch on the left is the auditorium which uses light to direct the attention of the audience. the sketch on the right is of a statue that is displayed outside the art museum, the metal it is constructive of reflects the light and adds to the art. 
These are sketches all demonstrate how that light is used to spotlight different artworks. the lighting of the art museum is just as important as the artworks that is displayed.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Newman, Singletary, SAVS

All three of these buildings have a facade that are fairly void of color but light really hits the buildings in unique ways. The SAVS building is intersting in the light because the red brick really shows through and the grid on the front creates neat shadow pasterns. The Newman centers interaction with light is really noticed in the interaction with the crucified Jesus the way the light draws attention to that really showcases the fact that it is a religious institution. The Singletary center gains more personality when it's in the direct light, the buildings angles and curves become more of the focus, also the contrast of red brick and white concrete become more present.  

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Loudon House Exploration

Creek light by Karen Spears is an amazing piece that captured my attention intermediately, from far away you can tell exactly what this picture is, but the closer you get the harder it is to tell. This painting is a beautiful swirl of colors that insistently calms you, and when you back away about five feet it becomes am amazingly vivid view of light shining through tree branches and reflecting in a creek. There is no real light in this picture but the artist used color to make it seem like light really was shining onto a creek. The was the first piece I saw at the Loudon house but it really stuck with me. The way the colors run together and imitate light make this painting feel real.  

The gallery space at the Loudon house was beautiful, so beautiful in fact that someone was having their wedding there so I didn't get the chance to see all of the gallery space. From what I did see I was impressed, of course the walls were bare so that they wouldn't subtract from the art but it was still a beautiful space. The hardwood floors were such a gorgeous color, some areas had a darker stain than other. I did notice that the windows seemed small but there was a lot of light coming in and the intricate pains of the window made them very interesting. The gallery felt very peaceful probably because the soft lighting and muted contrast of the white walls and hardwood floors.

The exterior of the Loudon House is very interesting, it is very castle like but the colors don't really fit with what is typical thought of as a castle. The white exterior and blueish green trim are used somewhat as camouflage, it makes the house fit in more the houses that are around, but the overall architecture really isn't hidden. Light is really important to this building.All of the windows really help to capture light and make the building seem less dense.

The Loudon House is in an interesting place, When going to the house you can tell how downtown has changed, there are some old buildings that are being converted for new uses, there are some areas that are highly impoverished, and then fairly close there are very nice homes, so it is quite odd to see the make up of the area. Also the fact that the building is in a park is interesting, right next to it is a youth center with a gym, so its really a very odd grouping. the house is just kind of existing there with out any real reason. Most art museums are in "culturally rich areas"where as the Loudon House is really isolated.